
Blog Archives

Android Development – Parsing JSON Data from a URL

How to parse JSON data using HTTPClient and display the results on a ListView

AJAX Multi File Upload in WordPress Front-End

Uploading Files Asynchronously in WordPress Front-End using AJAX

WordPress Front-end AJAX Pagination with Search and Sort

A simple AJAX pagination that includes a search filter and sorting functionality

Loading wp_editor via AJAX

Fix problem with wp_editor showing but missing buttons on Text and Visual tab

Customizing WP Editor in WordPress

Customizing Wordpress’s default wp_editor buttons and settings.

Create Posts from WordPress Front-End

Allow visitor to create a post from the front-end of your WordPress blog

Overriding WooCommerce archive-product.php

Best way to customize your Products page in Woocommerce

Disable Update Notifications in WordPress Admin

Stop annoying updates and notifications in your WordPress Admin

Creating a Facebook Thumbnail Field in your WordPress Post or Page

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a field where you can enter a custom image that you wish to use as your cover image when sharing your posts/pages on Social Sites such as Facebook

Build Your Own Ajax Contact Form in WordPress

A very simple AJAX Contact Form for your WordPress blog.

Featured Image Shortcode [Plugin]

Creates a shortcode for your featured image to easily embed it within your WP Editor.

Post Class for Resume Database

Functions from my most recent Resume Database project

Optimize WordPress Database by Disabling and Removing Revisions

Disable the saving of revisions in your WordPress blog to optimize your Wordpress database.

URL Rewriting for Custom Post Types Date Archive

Clean URL’s for Custom Post Type Archives

Add .html extension to permalinks

Tutorial on how to add .html extension to both posts and pages in WordPress

Contact Form 7 Normalize Form CSS

Normalized CSS for your Contact Form 7 forms.

Contact Form 7 Country and State Drop-Down List

Implement Country Names, Country Codes and States & territories within the United States to your Contact Form 7

Indent WordPress Subcategories in a Drop-down List

Create a drop-down list with multiple level of WordPress Subcategories.

Using Object-Oriented Approach in Building WordPress Admin Menus

Coding in WordPress Admin using Object Oriented Programming

Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress

Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents

Add a Widget Area in your WordPress Admin Dashboard

Adding a simple Widget Area on top of all the other widgets in your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

WordPress Frontend AJAX Pagination

Create a Front-end AJAX pagination in your WordPress blog

Insert PHP Code to your WordPress Post or Page

Make your post editor read PHP codes using shortcodes as tags

Implementing AJAX in WordPress

Introduces the proper way of using AJAX in your WordPress blog

Fix 404 Page Not Found in all Pages in WordPress

How to Fix 404 Page Not Found in all Pages Except Home Page

Set a Default Featured Image for your Posts in WordPress

Add a default image for posts that do not have a featured image.

Create a Custom Post Type in WordPress

Register a post type and allow other roles to add, edit, and delete their owns posts.

Create a Submenu Page in WordPress Admin

Start creating your first plugin-like page

Exporting Reports to CSV with WordPress

Export your Reports using queries and gain full control over the output of the report.

How to use the JQuery Date Picker of WordPress

Include the built-in Date Picker of WordPress int your front-end forms in WordPress