
Blog Archives

Featured Image Shortcode [Plugin]

Creates a shortcode for your featured image to easily embed it within your WP Editor.

Character Count with Live Progress Bar using jQuery

Count remaining characters from an input field or textarea and displays a progress bar.

How to do Ajax in Codeigniter

A very basic but powerful implementation of Ajax that complements Codeigniter.

Post Class for Resume Database

Functions from my most recent Resume Database project

How to use LazyLoad.Js

Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them.

AJAX using XMLHttpRequest Object

Learn the basics of AJAX using XMLHttpRequest with Javascript.

URL Rewriting for Custom Post Types Date Archive

Clean URL’s for Custom Post Type Archives

Indent WordPress Subcategories in a Drop-down List

Create a drop-down list with multiple level of WordPress Subcategories.

Using Object-Oriented Approach in Building WordPress Admin Menus

Coding in WordPress Admin using Object Oriented Programming

Reading URL variables in Javascript

A Simple Function that you can use to read URL variables.

Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress

Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents

Formatting Dates in PHP

Change the output of the time stamp to something more readable