
Blog Archives

Consuming WCF in ASP.NET MVC 5 with Entity Framework 6 using Visual Studio 2017

Create WCF service with Entity Framework then consume it on a ASP.NET MVC application

Using Angular Material with Meteor

How to integrate Angular Material to your Meteor Application

Using History.js with AJAX

Simple example on how to make History.JS work with dynamically loaded pages.

Using REPLACE in an UPDATE statement

This tutorials demonstrate the use of REPLACE with UPDATE function to selectively replace text inside a string in SQL Server

GET Request using cURL

Demonstrates how to pull out data from a Web Service using cURL GET Method

Building a Real-Time Chat Application Using Pusher

A simple chat application that uses a self-hosted API called Pusher

Simple File Upload with PHP

Create a very simple file upload with File Size validation.

AJAX Multi File upload in CodeIgniter

A simple AJAX multi-file upload tutorial that follows CodeIgniter best practices.

Implementing AJAX Pagination with Search in CodeIgnier

Advanced jQuery Pagination using AJAX and PHP

How to do Ajax in Codeigniter

A very basic but powerful implementation of Ajax that complements Codeigniter.

Post Class for Resume Database

Functions from my most recent Resume Database project

How to use Pace.Js

Add a simple Progress Indicator into your website

How to use niceScroll.Js

Easy-to-use solution to have a custom scroll bars compatible with desktop, tablet and phone devices.

Select Box with Search Filter

Integrating a custom select box with search filter using Select2 plugin.

Indent WordPress Subcategories in a Drop-down List

Create a drop-down list with multiple level of WordPress Subcategories.

Example of an Ajaxified WordPress Admin using OOP Style

A Good demonstration of Ajaxified WordPress Admin along with Object Oriented Approach

Using Object-Oriented Approach in Building WordPress Admin Menus

Coding in WordPress Admin using Object Oriented Programming

Setting and Getting Cookies in Javascript

Basic usage of cookies (GET and SET)

Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress

Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents

Sending HTTP requests using cURL in PHP

A simplified way of Sending HTTP requests using client URL

Convert stdClass Object to Array in PHP

Use this function to convert stdClass Objects into an Array

PHP Function to Validate Date Format

Simple PHP Function that can be used to validate date format of user input

PHP Function that Generates Random Characters

Simple PHP Function that allows you to generate random codes and define your own characters and length of code.

Add a Widget Area in your WordPress Admin Dashboard

Adding a simple Widget Area on top of all the other widgets in your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

WordPress Frontend AJAX Pagination

Create a Front-end AJAX pagination in your WordPress blog

Insert PHP Code to your WordPress Post or Page

Make your post editor read PHP codes using shortcodes as tags

How to Limit the Number Words to Output in PHP

Creating a function that will limit the number of words to output

Formatting Dates in PHP

Change the output of the time stamp to something more readable

Create a Submenu Page in WordPress Admin

Start creating your first plugin-like page

Exporting Reports to CSV with WordPress

Export your Reports using queries and gain full control over the output of the report.