
Blog Archives

How to install and use Neor Profiler SQL

Track all queries in your web application – find bottlenecks and performance issues.

Featured Image Shortcode [Plugin]

Creates a shortcode for your featured image to easily embed it within your WP Editor.

Setting and Getting Cookies in Javascript

Basic usage of cookies (GET and SET)

Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress

Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents

Sending HTTP requests using cURL in PHP

A simplified way of Sending HTTP requests using client URL

Convert stdClass Object to Array in PHP

Use this function to convert stdClass Objects into an Array

PHP Function to Validate Date Format

Simple PHP Function that can be used to validate date format of user input

Add a Widget Area in your WordPress Admin Dashboard

Adding a simple Widget Area on top of all the other widgets in your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

WordPress Frontend AJAX Pagination

Create a Front-end AJAX pagination in your WordPress blog

Implementing AJAX in WordPress

Introduces the proper way of using AJAX in your WordPress blog

Formatting Dates in PHP

Change the output of the time stamp to something more readable

Exporting Reports to CSV with WordPress

Export your Reports using queries and gain full control over the output of the report.

How to use the JQuery Date Picker of WordPress

Include the built-in Date Picker of WordPress int your front-end forms in WordPress