
Blog Archives

Simple File Upload with PHP

Create a very simple file upload with File Size validation.

Accessing HTML DOM Elements with PHP

Get contents of a website by parsing the DOM Elements

AJAX using XMLHttpRequest Object

Learn the basics of AJAX using XMLHttpRequest with Javascript.

URL Rewriting for Custom Post Types Date Archive

Clean URL’s for Custom Post Type Archives

Add .html extension to permalinks

Tutorial on how to add .html extension to both posts and pages in WordPress

Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress

Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents

WordPress Frontend AJAX Pagination

Create a Front-end AJAX pagination in your WordPress blog

Create a Custom Post Type in WordPress

Register a post type and allow other roles to add, edit, and delete their owns posts.

Exporting Reports to CSV with WordPress

Export your Reports using queries and gain full control over the output of the report.