Blog Archives
Consuming WCF in ASP.NET MVC 5 with Entity Framework 6 using Visual Studio 2017
Create WCF service with Entity Framework then consume it on a ASP.NET MVC application
User Login With WordPress using React Native
After seeing a lot of requests about this topic on Google, I’ve decided to make my own tutorial about it. So let’s get started! On the render() method of your React Native component, create a Form with input fields for Username and Password. this.state = { validating: false } render() { return ( <Container> <Content> […]
Authentication with React Native and Redux – Basic Example
Demonstrates a simple user authentication using Redux – the most popular state management module.
Deploying Meteor App to Heroku
How to get your meteor app up and running on Heroku testing environment.
Uploading Rails App with MongoDB to Heroku
How to properly upload your Rails application to Heroku that has MongoDB as database.
Using History.js with AJAX
Simple example on how to make History.JS work with dynamically loaded pages.
Parsing a CSV File using PHP
Describes how you can access the columns of a CSV file and insert the items into the database
Fastest way to Convert Associative Arrays to Objects
No need to create a class or Function to accomplish it.
Simple Database Connection using MySQLi OOP and Procedural
This tutorial demonstrates the use of MySQLi in OOP and Procedural Approach
AJAX Multi-File Upload With Image Preview and Sort [Under Development]
Simple File upload with Preview and Sort Functionality before upload
Disable Update Notifications in WordPress Admin
Stop annoying updates and notifications in your WordPress Admin
Flat Surface Shader Tutorial
The Flat Surface Shader is a simple plugin developed by Matthew Wagerfield which is based on the Lambertian Reflectance model, where the color of a triangle is calculated by a variety of different light sources within a particular scene.
Creating a Facebook Thumbnail Field in your WordPress Post or Page
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a field where you can enter a custom image that you wish to use as your cover image when sharing your posts/pages on Social Sites such as Facebook
AJAX Multi File upload in CodeIgniter
A simple AJAX multi-file upload tutorial that follows CodeIgniter best practices.
Implementing AJAX Pagination with Search in CodeIgnier
Advanced jQuery Pagination using AJAX and PHP
How to do Ajax in Codeigniter
A very basic but powerful implementation of Ajax that complements Codeigniter.
Optimize WordPress Database by Disabling and Removing Revisions
Disable the saving of revisions in your WordPress blog to optimize your Wordpress database.
How to use LazyLoad.Js
Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them.
Change Password using AJAX and jQuery in WordPress Front-End
The feature is easy to do using just plain PHP and HTML, but if you are like me who wants to take small bits of modules into the next level then you might probably want to check out this tutorial on how to
Select Box with Search Filter
Integrating a custom select box with search filter using Select2 plugin.
Indent WordPress Subcategories in a Drop-down List
Create a drop-down list with multiple level of WordPress Subcategories.
Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress
Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents
PHP Function to Validate Date Format
Simple PHP Function that can be used to validate date format of user input
Useful CSS3 Element Effects
Apply Hover Effects into any HTML element with these cool CSS3 Animations
Auto Login to WordPress from another Website
Automatically login to Website B from Website A securely without using a password.
Fix 404 Page Not Found in all Pages in WordPress
How to Fix 404 Page Not Found in all Pages Except Home Page
How to Import Large Database Files in XAMPP / Laragon / WAMP
Increase the maximum file upload size of your XAMPP and start uploading your “huge” databases!
Create a New Frontend Login Form in WordPress
Have full control over your WordPress log-in form and add your own validations.
Create a Custom Post Type in WordPress
Register a post type and allow other roles to add, edit, and delete their owns posts.
How to use the JQuery Date Picker of WordPress
Include the built-in Date Picker of WordPress int your front-end forms in WordPress