
Blog Archives

Performing CRUD Operations with Sessions in Python – Django

Performing Create, Read, Update and Delete in Python Django

Creating a AJAX Helper Function in ReactJS

Wrapping fetch method into a helper function in ReactJS

Android Development – Parsing JSON Data from a URL

How to parse JSON data using HTTPClient and display the results on a ListView

Java – Parsing JSON Data from a URL

Simple code snippet for parsing JSON data from a URL in Java

Polymorphism – OOP PHP Tutorial

Understanding Polymorphism and its usage and advantages.

Fastest way to Convert Associative Arrays to Objects

No need to create a class or Function to accomplish it.

Simple Database Connection using MySQLi OOP and Procedural

This tutorial demonstrates the use of MySQLi in OOP and Procedural Approach

Creating a Facebook Thumbnail Field in your WordPress Post or Page

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a field where you can enter a custom image that you wish to use as your cover image when sharing your posts/pages on Social Sites such as Facebook

Using Object-Oriented Approach in Building WordPress Admin Menus

Coding in WordPress Admin using Object Oriented Programming

Convert stdClass Object to Array in PHP

Use this function to convert stdClass Objects into an Array