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Create a Facebook Preloader Style using Bootstrap
Simple preloader similar to Facebook using Bootstrap. Easy to implement and easy to learn.
Using History.js with AJAX
Simple example on how to make History.JS work with dynamically loaded pages.
AngularJS – Show route only after all Ajax requests are resolved
Show route page only after Ajax request is complete for single or dynamic routes
AngularJS – Show a loading image on HTTP Requests
Append a loading gif image to your screen while AJAX is fetching data
How to use LazyLoad.Js
Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them.
Change Password using AJAX and jQuery in WordPress Front-End
The feature is easy to do using just plain PHP and HTML, but if you are like me who wants to take small bits of modules into the next level then you might probably want to check out this tutorial on how to