
Blog Archives

Implementing AJAX Pagination with Search in CodeIgnier

Advanced jQuery Pagination using AJAX and PHP

How to do Ajax in Codeigniter

A very basic but powerful implementation of Ajax that complements Codeigniter.

Post Class for Resume Database

Functions from my most recent Resume Database project

How to use Pace.Js

Add a simple Progress Indicator into your website

How to use niceScroll.Js

Easy-to-use solution to have a custom scroll bars compatible with desktop, tablet and phone devices.

How to use LazyLoad.Js

Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them.

AJAX using XMLHttpRequest Object

Learn the basics of AJAX using XMLHttpRequest with Javascript.

URL Rewriting for Custom Post Types Date Archive

Clean URL’s for Custom Post Type Archives

Select Box with Search Filter

Integrating a custom select box with search filter using Select2 plugin.

Setting / Getting Sessions Values in PHP

Learn how to set and get Sessions values in PHP

Contact Form 7 Normalize Form CSS

Normalized CSS for your Contact Form 7 forms.

Contact Form 7 Country and State Drop-Down List

Implement Country Names, Country Codes and States & territories within the United States to your Contact Form 7

Indent WordPress Subcategories in a Drop-down List

Create a drop-down list with multiple level of WordPress Subcategories.

Example of an Ajaxified WordPress Admin using OOP Style

A Good demonstration of Ajaxified WordPress Admin along with Object Oriented Approach

Using Object-Oriented Approach in Building WordPress Admin Menus

Coding in WordPress Admin using Object Oriented Programming

Sending HTTP requests using cURL in PHP

A simplified way of Sending HTTP requests using client URL

Convert stdClass Object to Array in PHP

Use this function to convert stdClass Objects into an Array

PHP Function to Validate Date Format

Simple PHP Function that can be used to validate date format of user input

Add a Widget Area in your WordPress Admin Dashboard

Adding a simple Widget Area on top of all the other widgets in your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

WordPress Frontend AJAX Pagination

Create a Front-end AJAX pagination in your WordPress blog

Implementing AJAX in WordPress

Introduces the proper way of using AJAX in your WordPress blog

Useful CSS3 Element Effects

Apply Hover Effects into any HTML element with these cool CSS3 Animations

Create a Custom Post Type in WordPress

Register a post type and allow other roles to add, edit, and delete their owns posts.