Blog Archives
Organize Diretory Files into Year-Month-Day Heirarchy using PHP
Do you have large amount of files sitting in just one directory? Have you ever thought about organizing them in Year-Month-Day path programatically? Let’s get started.
AngularJS – Show a loading image on HTTP Requests
Append a loading gif image to your screen while AJAX is fetching data
AJAX Multi File Upload in WordPress Front-End
Uploading Files Asynchronously in WordPress Front-End using AJAX
AJAX Multi-File Upload With Image Preview and Sort [Under Development]
Simple File upload with Preview and Sort Functionality before upload
Flat Surface Shader Tutorial
The Flat Surface Shader is a simple plugin developed by Matthew Wagerfield which is based on the Lambertian Reflectance model, where the color of a triangle is calculated by a variety of different light sources within a particular scene.
Creating a Facebook Thumbnail Field in your WordPress Post or Page
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a field where you can enter a custom image that you wish to use as your cover image when sharing your posts/pages on Social Sites such as Facebook
Featured Image Shortcode [Plugin]
Creates a shortcode for your featured image to easily embed it within your WP Editor.
AJAX Multi File upload in CodeIgniter
A simple AJAX multi-file upload tutorial that follows CodeIgniter best practices.
How to use LazyLoad.Js
Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them.
Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress
Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents
Set a Default Featured Image for your Posts in WordPress
Add a default image for posts that do not have a featured image.
Adding a Simple Math Captcha to your Form in PHP
Useful Math Captcha to prevent robots from submitting automated requests