
Blog Archives

Creating a AJAX Helper Function in ReactJS

Wrapping fetch method into a helper function in ReactJS

Responsive Table Using Pure CSS

Create a responsive table without using any Javascript plugins.

Creating a Registration Page in Django

A simple bootstrap registration page using Django v.1.10.

Create Posts from WordPress Front-End

Allow visitor to create a post from the front-end of your WordPress blog

Using REPLACE in an UPDATE statement

This tutorials demonstrate the use of REPLACE with UPDATE function to selectively replace text inside a string in SQL Server

Flat Surface Shader Tutorial

The Flat Surface Shader is a simple plugin developed by Matthew Wagerfield which is based on the Lambertian Reflectance model, where the color of a triangle is calculated by a variety of different light sources within a particular scene.

Build Your Own Ajax Contact Form in WordPress

A very simple AJAX Contact Form for your WordPress blog.

Accessing HTML DOM Elements with PHP

Get contents of a website by parsing the DOM Elements

Character Count with Live Progress Bar using jQuery

Count remaining characters from an input field or textarea and displays a progress bar.

How to use Pace.Js

Add a simple Progress Indicator into your website

How to use niceScroll.Js

Easy-to-use solution to have a custom scroll bars compatible with desktop, tablet and phone devices.

How to use LazyLoad.Js

Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them.

Add .html extension to permalinks

Tutorial on how to add .html extension to both posts and pages in WordPress

Select Box with Search Filter

Integrating a custom select box with search filter using Select2 plugin.

Setting and Getting Cookies in Javascript

Basic usage of cookies (GET and SET)

Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress

Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents

WordPress Frontend AJAX Pagination

Create a Front-end AJAX pagination in your WordPress blog

Top CSS3 Image Effects

A Collection of Image Hover Effects, try them out for free!

Useful CSS3 Element Effects

Apply Hover Effects into any HTML element with these cool CSS3 Animations