
Blog Archives

Adding Helper Files in Laravel 5

Demonstrates how to properly add helper files to your laravel app

Generate CSV file and send as Email attachment PHP

Querying reports from SQL database then generate a CSV File containing all the queried data then send the CSV File to the admin email.

Creating a Facebook Thumbnail Field in your WordPress Post or Page

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a field where you can enter a custom image that you wish to use as your cover image when sharing your posts/pages on Social Sites such as Facebook

Featured Image Shortcode [Plugin]

Creates a shortcode for your featured image to easily embed it within your WP Editor.

How to use niceScroll.Js

Easy-to-use solution to have a custom scroll bars compatible with desktop, tablet and phone devices.

URL Rewriting for Custom Post Types Date Archive

Clean URL’s for Custom Post Type Archives

Setting / Getting Sessions Values in PHP

Learn how to set and get Sessions values in PHP

Indent WordPress Subcategories in a Drop-down List

Create a drop-down list with multiple level of WordPress Subcategories.

Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress

Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents

PHP Function that Generates Random Characters

Simple PHP Function that allows you to generate random codes and define your own characters and length of code.

Set a Default Featured Image for your Posts in WordPress

Add a default image for posts that do not have a featured image.

Adding a Simple Math Captcha to your Form in PHP

Useful Math Captcha to prevent robots from submitting automated requests