
Blog Archives

How to do Ajax in Codeigniter

A very basic but powerful implementation of Ajax that complements Codeigniter.

Add .html extension to permalinks

Tutorial on how to add .html extension to both posts and pages in WordPress

Contact Form 7 Country and State Drop-Down List

Implement Country Names, Country Codes and States & territories within the United States to your Contact Form 7

Example of an Ajaxified WordPress Admin using OOP Style

A Good demonstration of Ajaxified WordPress Admin along with Object Oriented Approach

Using Object-Oriented Approach in Building WordPress Admin Menus

Coding in WordPress Admin using Object Oriented Programming

Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress

Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents

WordPress Frontend AJAX Pagination

Create a Front-end AJAX pagination in your WordPress blog

Insert PHP Code to your WordPress Post or Page

Make your post editor read PHP codes using shortcodes as tags

Implementing AJAX in WordPress

Introduces the proper way of using AJAX in your WordPress blog