
Blog Archives

MongoDB AJAX Pagination with Search and Sort using PHP

A simple tutorial which demonstrates how you can paginate your documents using AJAX and apply search and sort features.

Parsing a CSV File using PHP

Describes how you can access the columns of a CSV file and insert the items into the database

Simple Database Connection using MySQLi OOP and Procedural

This tutorial demonstrates the use of MySQLi in OOP and Procedural Approach

Post Class for Resume Database

Functions from my most recent Resume Database project

Optimize WordPress Database by Disabling and Removing Revisions

Disable the saving of revisions in your WordPress blog to optimize your Wordpress database.

Understanding SQL Joins

A very good graphical representation of SQL Joins

Select Box with Search Filter

Integrating a custom select box with search filter using Select2 plugin.

WordPress Frontend AJAX Pagination

Create a Front-end AJAX pagination in your WordPress blog