
Blog Archives

Performing CRUD Operations with Sessions in Python – Django

Performing Create, Read, Update and Delete in Python Django

Connecting an ASP.NET MVC Application to MySQL

Learn how to connect an ASP.NET MVC application to MySQL

How to do ajax in Laravel 5.2

Best practices in implementing ajax in your laravel app.

Java – Parsing JSON Data from a URL

Simple code snippet for parsing JSON data from a URL in Java

AJAX Multi File Upload in WordPress Front-End

Uploading Files Asynchronously in WordPress Front-End using AJAX

Parsing a CSV File using PHP

Describes how you can access the columns of a CSV file and insert the items into the database

Using REPLACE in an UPDATE statement

This tutorials demonstrate the use of REPLACE with UPDATE function to selectively replace text inside a string in SQL Server

Generate CSV file and send as Email attachment PHP

Querying reports from SQL database then generate a CSV File containing all the queried data then send the CSV File to the admin email.

Build Your Own Ajax Contact Form in WordPress

A very simple AJAX Contact Form for your WordPress blog.

How to use LazyLoad.Js

Lazy Load is delays loading of images in long web pages. Images outside of viewport are not loaded until user scrolls to them.

AJAX using XMLHttpRequest Object

Learn the basics of AJAX using XMLHttpRequest with Javascript.

URL Rewriting for Custom Post Types Date Archive

Clean URL’s for Custom Post Type Archives

Setting / Getting Sessions Values in PHP

Learn how to set and get Sessions values in PHP

Setting and Getting Cookies in jQuery

Utilizing the jQuery cookie library in our website

Setting and Getting Cookies in Javascript

Basic usage of cookies (GET and SET)

Convert stdClass Object to Array in PHP

Use this function to convert stdClass Objects into an Array

WordPress Frontend AJAX Pagination

Create a Front-end AJAX pagination in your WordPress blog