
Blog Archives

Get a Perfect Score of 100 on Google PageSpeed Insights

Obtain a perfect score of 100 in Google Page Speed insights the right way.

Using History.js with AJAX

Simple example on how to make History.JS work with dynamically loaded pages.

Java – Parsing JSON Data from a URL

Simple code snippet for parsing JSON data from a URL in Java

WordPress Front-end AJAX Pagination with Search and Sort

A simple AJAX pagination that includes a search filter and sorting functionality

Customizing WP Editor in WordPress

Customizing Wordpress’s default wp_editor buttons and settings.

Using REPLACE in an UPDATE statement

This tutorials demonstrate the use of REPLACE with UPDATE function to selectively replace text inside a string in SQL Server

Generate CSV file and send as Email attachment PHP

Querying reports from SQL database then generate a CSV File containing all the queried data then send the CSV File to the admin email.

Build Your Own Ajax Contact Form in WordPress

A very simple AJAX Contact Form for your WordPress blog.

Featured Image Shortcode [Plugin]

Creates a shortcode for your featured image to easily embed it within your WP Editor.

Accessing HTML DOM Elements with PHP

Get contents of a website by parsing the DOM Elements

Implementing AJAX Pagination with Search in CodeIgnier

Advanced jQuery Pagination using AJAX and PHP

URL Rewriting for Custom Post Types Date Archive

Clean URL’s for Custom Post Type Archives

Generate Emails with HTML & CSS in WordPress

Adding HTML tags and CSS Styles into your Email Contents

Insert PHP Code to your WordPress Post or Page

Make your post editor read PHP codes using shortcodes as tags

Create a Submenu Page in WordPress Admin

Start creating your first plugin-like page