Performing CRUD Operations with Sessions in Python – Django

Setting Up Sessions

In Django, you can enable sessions from the by adding some lines to the MIDDLEWARE and the INSTALLED_APPS options.

MIDDLEWARE should have −


And INSTALLED_APPS should have −


By default, Django saves session information in database (django_session table or collection), but you can configure the engine to store information using other ways like: in file or in cache.

CRUD Operations


item_id = str(1)
cart_items = request.session

# Create an empty cart object if it does not exist yet 
if not cart_items.has_key("cart"):
	cart_items["cart"] = {}

# Retrieve single item by key 

# Retrieve all 


item_id = str(1)
cart_items = request.session

# Create an empty cart object if it does not exist yet 
if not cart_items.has_key("cart"):
	cart_items["cart"] = {}

product_data = {
	'quantity': 2,
	'date_added': strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())

cart_items["cart"][item_id] = product_data
cart_items.modified = True


item_id = str(1)
cart_items = request.session

# Create an empty cart object if it does not exist yet 
if not cart_items.has_key("cart"):
	cart_items["cart"] = {}

# Edit quantity of item ID: 1 
cart_items["cart"][item_id]["quantity"]  = 3
cart_items.modified = True


item_id = str(1)
cart_items = request.session

# Create an empty cart object if it does not exist yet 
if not cart_items.has_key("cart"):
	cart_items["cart"] = {}

# Delete an item
	del cart_items["cart"][item_id]
except KeyError:
cart_items.modified = True

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